GenesisII handles water slightly differently from normal terrains.

Water Editor
- Wind Direction: Waves will tend to line up at right angles to the
wind, although local turbulance and conditions may affect this.
- Height: Wave height as measured from peak to trough.
- Wavelength: Peak to Peak distance
Turbulance describes fractalized chaotic disruption to the water surface
- this affects low level detail and color.
- Water Turbulance: The amount of turbulant behaviour. Set to 0 to
- Seeds: Fractal seeds used to generate water turbulance. The plane/frequency
combination is unique and repeatable.
Values are analogous to those for general Fractalization and Terrains,
although implementation details may differ.
- Colors: Base colors used to render water.
- Generate: Generates suggested water colors using defined values for
atmospheric and fractal colors.
- Roughness: Water surface roughness.
- Shininess: Shininess of the surface.
- Specularity: Highlight reflections.
- Emission: Emission characteristics.
- Edge Criticality: Controls fractalization behaviour at water/land